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  • Irving Heritage Society members and guests enjoyed “Lemonade on the Porch” at the Heritage House,as Kaye Ward was elected President to lead the organization for the 2015-2016 year. 2014-2015 President Patty Landers Caperton conducted the meeting, and former Heritage Society President (and former Mayor) Marvin Randle conducted the installation of the officers.<br /><br />In addition to Kaye, the slate of officers include: President-Elect Rick Stopfer, 1st Vice President/Membership Bob Bourgeois, 2nd Vice President/Programs Jo-Ann Bresowar, 3rd Vice President/Projects Diane Mannon, Treasurer Stacey Martin, Recording Secretary Carol Lucas, Corresponding Secretary Anne Pfaff, Historian Karen Martin, and Parliamentarian Patty Caperton. Directors elected were Beth Bowman, Susan Fairless, Debbie Fleck, Marian Guthery, Shirley Smith, Kevin Kendro, and Trevor Putman. width:640;;height:480
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